We offer a refund policy for most items. Engraved or custom-made items cannot be refunded unless a manufacturer’s fault is found with them.
Buyers must return goods within 30 days of receiving the order (this is extended to 30 days after Christmas when purchasing Christmas gifts).
It is the buyer’s responsibility to ensure any returned goods reach us in satisfactory condition. Please ensure that all bags/tags/labels are untorn and still attached. To minimize processing time and speed up your exchange/refund, please ensure that any items returned are free from odour and in new condition, are folded as neatly as possible and sent in secure, protective wrapping. We make an effort to ensure the goods reach you in great condition – we’d really appreciate you returning the favour.
Buyers returning goods from outside the EU must clearly state on the outside of the package and on any customs documentation that the goods are ‘Returned Goods’ to allow them to clear customs without generating additional charges.
Contact us in any inconvenience or not acting on our refund policy.